meet the first spring water

Protected and studied for half a century by scientists, l'éternelle is the name of one of the very first true springs known to mankind and the oldest source of water discovered in Europe to date. Its purity and energy are extra ordinary and remain partly unexplained. It is a sacred source.

Emoto Masaru, author of the New York Times bestseller "The Hidden Messages of Water" studied its crystallization and determined that l'éternelle has a unique energy.

Image of the crystallisation of l'éternelle spring water - Emoto Masaru's laboratories, Japan,13 March 2006. The research conducted by Dr. Leclerc and hydrology experts Professor Kang and Husson from the Paris and Bordeaux chair of hydrology shows that it is one of the purest on Earth.

The conservation of wild ecosystems around springs is one of the keys to enabling la vallée éternelle to produce 500 million liters of pure spring water each year and regenerate life around it

Fetching water from the source has always been what we do to live, to protect those we love. Trees and all living beings have always done it long before us. Drinking fresh water at the spring is a pleasure that illuminates the faces of all those who have been lucky enough to be able to do so one day.

Act Now !

to buy forests around l'éternelle and protect her

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Positive impact

millions of protected wild bees
tonnes of C02 removed from the atmosphere
hectares of protected natural land
tons of pure oxygen created each year
hectares of protected old-growth forests
start ups
online friends
students, 7 universities
endangered species protected
million litres of pure spring water created each year
conferences - 13 countries
years of scientific exploration